Monday 17 May 2010

Monday 3rd May - Friday 7th May

Tuesday 4th May

We were expecting to do our retake of the pitch to try and boost our grades up. The presentation got put back to Thursday 6th May due to the delay in the other presentations.

Thursday 6th May

Today we did our presentation in the TV studio, We concentrated on our documentary topic. Our group told the panel a more specific view on the topic in which is what we were meant to improve on. The panel said that we need to improve our contact list, for the rest of the day we were making contact with medieval companies. We made contact with Warwick castle and requested permission to film in their location.

Friday 7th May

We were carrying on making the contact list. We also made a plan for next week for filming. we decided to go to Warwick castle on the Tuesday and Wednesday. Tuesday would be a quick location recce to see where we would film etc... We thought about what shots would work in the documentary. we also did a rough plan on how the footage would come together.

Monday 26th April - Friday 30th April

Monday 26th April

The presentation was still our main focus of the day as the pitch is for the 27th. The group had pretty much finished all the research, but still had a little to do so we tried to get it all done. I spent the day arranging the Powerpoint and choosing which slide goes where. I tried to make the Powerpoint look as professional as possible with images that would keep the panel interested. We made some keycards which we would use during the pitch.

Tuesday 27th April

Today was the day of the pitch and we came in looking professional with out formal clothes. all the research was ready in our folder and the powerpoint was ready for the pitch. Our group was doing the pitch later on in the day so we had time to practise over and over. In the pitch we got told that our idea wasnt pacific enough so we had to do it again the week after. Apart from that the pitch went well and our idea was liked by the panel.

Thursday 29th April

Today John Branney helped us to make our presentation to a more professional standard. We looked at the higer grade criteria. We planned what we need to do for that criteria and how we will do it. I worked on the presentation and made it look more appealing. We also decided on a persific idea for our topic which would help us up our grade.

Friday 30th April

Today we watched some documentaries which would help us with ours, it counted as secondary research. We looked at a documentary called touching the void which was very profesionall and it won awards. We wrote some things we liked about the documentary and would use them in ours. We spent the afternoon improving our powerpoint which is key to getting a good grade in the pitch.

Friday 30 April 2010

Week 19th-23rd April

Monday 19th

Our group had a meeting on our idea as we had doubts over the weekend if it was going to work. We wandered if the idea would make a good documentary and would get us the grades we wanted. we thought about the different aspects to the topic and which one would make the best documentary. We talked with John Branney to see his views on the idea and what he thought.
We finally decided that the idea would be a good idea and would work for a documentary.

Tuesday 20th

The group got together and started to get some research into the topic. we thought about what we will need to do for our pitch and scheduled the week. we looked into previous medieval documentaries but found it hard to find some which was a good sign as it showed our idea is original. we started to think about questionnaires and how it would benefit our group.

Thursday 22nd

I started my presentation, I made a few slides and added information that we had already produced. In our group we discussed what we needed to do and who needed to do it. I was assigned to get some Ofcom and PRS research. I went onto the website and looked at some of the guidelines and made it into a word document. At the end of the day i added this information into the presentation.

Friday 23rd

Today the group was mainly focusing on the presentation and adding all the information in. Today i did research into the advertising and also added this into the presentation. In the lesson at the end of the day we practised our pitches.

Friday 16th April

Today both of the groups got together in the lesson. all the groups discussed ideas which we had thought of over the week. John simon and myself got together in our group and talked about ideas which we had thought of. our ideas which we had come up with were
-the life of a taxi man
-Greek history
-The Circus
-Medieval Re-enactments

The group consulted the ideas and finally decided that the medieval re-enactments would be the best idea for a documentary. Graham helped us with our idea and told us the different aspects to the topics as he used to work in one of the main places for it. I started to watch some videos of the re-enactments and how they worked. I then researched into the institutes that hold the events. I also wrote down a few numbers for these institutes which i would later on compose into a contact list.

Friday 23 April 2010

Monday 12th April

Today we received the assignment brief for our Final Major Project. We had a brief about the project with the lecturers. Simon,John and I were in a group for the final major project. We then had to mind map ideas for our documentary in our groups. we worked mainly on our ideas and asking lecturers what ideas would be the best to produce into a documentary.